Service Group
Release notes
Client Services

Partner Support Cases

IMPROVED New field 'NoteOrigin' has been added to response..


IMPROVED New fields 'CloseIndexRatio' and 'OpenIndexRatio' have been added to response.

Event Notification Servces

Client Activities

IMPROVED New field 'PositionEventFilter" has been added to request.



BREAKING The field 'UtilzationPct' in the LineStatus structure has been removed. It has since June been replaced by the field 'UtilizationPct'.


IMPROVED New fields 'ConversionRateCurrent' has been added to the NetPositionDynamic structure.

Reference Data

NEW CurrencyPairs

A new resource - 'CurrencyPairs' representing all supported currency pairs has been added.


BREAKING The value 'TradeSessions' has been removed from the 'InstrumentFieldGroup' enumeration. It has since June been replaced by the value 'TradingSessions'.



BREAKING The Field ' DisplayName' has been removed. It has since Jan 2019 only returned an empty string.


BREAKING The entire trade/v1/orders endpoint has been removed. This endpoint has been marked obsolete since Jan.2019.

NEW Prices/Multileg

A new resource - prices/multileg providing prices for multi-leg orders - has been added. With this addition there is now fully support for multi-leg orders in our OpenAPI. Multi-leg orders are used when trading option strategies. Please see this article for further information.

Prices, InfoPrices

BREAKING The fields 'AskSwap' and 'BidSwap' have been removed. They have since June been replaced by 'SwapAsk' and 'SwapBid'.

Orders (V2)

IMPROVED New fields 'CancelOrders' and 'ClearForceOpen' have been added to the response.

Please also observe the announced planned changes, which may be potentially breaking.