Endpoint Parameters
Request parameters
Name Type Origin Description UserKey UserKey Route The unique key for the user's client. -
Response Parameters
View Response CodesName Type Description Active Boolean Whether the user is active. ClientKey ClientKey Unique key identifying the client that owns the user. Culture String Selected culture for this user. Five letter language culture name. Fx. en-GB Language String Selected language for this user. The two letter ISO 639-1 language code. See Reference Data Languages endpoint for supported languages. LastLoginStatus LoginStatus Status of last login or login attempt LastLoginTime UtcDateTime Time of last login or login attempt LegalAssetTypes AssetType [] Asset Types that can be traded on all accounts by this user. MarketDataViaOpenApiTermsAccepted Boolean True if the user has accepted terms for market data via OpenApi access. Name String The name of the user. TimeZoneId Integer Selected Time Zone for this user. See Reference Data TimeZones endpoint for supported time zones. UserId String Unique ID of the user. UserKey UserKey The unique key for the user. -
Request Example
Request URL
GET /port/v1/users/5DG7K1P5cqYBZ77tl7Af4w==
Response Example
Response body
{ "Active": true, "ClientKey": "V-B8jOk9SM8QdqN1u2Bjtw==", "Culture": "en-GB", "Language": "en", "LastLoginStatus": "Successful", "LastLoginTime": "2025-02-26T15:08:42.420327Z", "LegalAssetTypes": [ "FxSpot", "Stock", "ContractFutures" ], "MarketDataViaOpenApiTermsAccepted": false, "Name": "Mr. Anthony Test", "TimeZoneId": 28, "UserId": "654321", "UserKey": "V-B8jOk9SM8QdqN1u2Bjtw==" }