Get a currency exposures list for a client, accountGroup or account
Returns a list of currencies in which there is an exposure.
GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/port/v1/exposure/currency?AccountGroupKey={AccountGroupKey}&AccountKey={AccountKey}&ClientKey={ClientKey}
Get currency exposures for a client, to which the logged in user belongs
Returns a list of currencies and net exposures.
GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/port/v1/exposure/currency/me
Get net FxSpot exposures list for a client, accountGroup or account
Returns a list of currency exposures from FxSpot positions for a requested client, account group or account.
GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/port/v1/exposure/fxspot?AccountGroupKey={AccountGroupKey}&AccountKey={AccountKey}&ClientKey={ClientKey}
Get net FxSpot exposures for a client, to which the logged in user belongs
Returns a list of currency exposures from FxSpot positions for the client, to which the logged in user belongs.
GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/port/v1/exposure/fxspot/me
Get instrument net exposure list for a client, accountGroup or account
Returns a list of instruments in which there is an exposure fulfilling the criteria specified by the query string parameters.
GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/port/v1/exposure/instruments?AccountGroupKey={AccountGroupKey}&AccountKey={AccountKey}&AssetType={AssetType}&ClientKey={ClientKey}&ExpiryDate={ExpiryDate}&LowerBarrier={LowerBarrier}&PutCall={PutCall}&Strike={Strike}&Uic={Uic}&UpperBarrier={UpperBarrier}&ValueDate={ValueDate}
Get the net instrument exposure for a client, to which the logged in user belongs
Returns a list instruments and net exposures.
GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/port/v1/exposure/instruments/me
Create a subscription on a list of instrument exposure and make it active
Sets up a subscription and returns an initial snapshot of list of instrument exposure specified by the parameters in the request.
POST https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/port/v1/exposure/instruments/subscriptions
Remove multiple subscriptions
Removes multiple all subscriptions for the current session on this resource, and frees all resources on the server.
DELETE https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/port/v1/exposure/instruments/subscriptions/{ContextId}?Tag={Tag}
Remove subscription
Removes subscription for the current session identified by subscription id..
DELETE https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/port/v1/exposure/instruments/subscriptions/{ContextId}/{ReferenceId}