Get a list of all accounts groups used by the specified client
Get a list of all account groups used by the specified client
GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/port/v1/accountgroups?$inlinecount={$inlinecount}&$skip={$skip}&$top={$top}&ClientKey={ClientKey}
Get details about a single account group
Get details about a single account group
GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/port/v1/accountgroups/{AccountGroupKey}?ClientKey={ClientKey}
Update account group information
Enables the user to update account group settings. Particularly the account group AccountValueProtectionLimit .
PATCH https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/port/v1/accountgroups/{AccountGroupKey}?ClientKey={ClientKey}
Get all accounts groups under a particular client to which the logged in user belongs
Get all accounts gropus under a particular client to which the logged in user belongs.
GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/port/v1/accountgroups/me?$inlinecount={$inlinecount}&$skip={$skip}&$top={$top}