Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    $inlinecount String Query-String Specifies that the response to the request should include a count of the number of entries in the collection
    $skip Integer Query-String The number of entries to skip from the beginning of the collection
    $skiptoken String Query-String Specifies an entity id to start retrieving entries from. This is normally only used in generated nextlinks.
    $top Integer Query-String The number of entries to return from the beginning of the collection
    Arguments OpenOrdersRequest Body Arguments for the subscription request.
    ContextId String Body The streaming context id that this request is associated with. This parameter must only contain letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9) as well as - (dash) and _ (underscore). It is case insensitive. Max length is 50 characters.
    Format String Body Optional Media type (RFC 2046) of the serialized data updates that are streamed to the client. Currently only application/json and application/x-protobuf is supported. If an unrecognized format is specified, the subscription end point will return HTTP status code 400 - Bad format.
    ReferenceId String Body Mandatory client specified reference id for the subscription. This parameter must only contain alphanumberic characters as well as - (dash) and _ (underscore). Cannot start with _. It is case insensitive. Max length is 50 characters.
    RefreshRate Integer Body Optional custom refresh rate, measured in milliseconds, between each data update. Note that it is not possible to get a refresh rate lower than the rate specified in the customer service level agreement (SLA).
    ReplaceReferenceId String Body Reference id of the subscription that should be replaced.
    Tag String Body Optional client specified tag used for grouping subscriptions.
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes
    Name Type Description
    ContextId String The streaming context id that this response is associated with.
    Format String The media type (RFC 2046), of the serialized data updates that are streamed to the client.
    InactivityTimeout Integer The time (in seconds) that the client should accept the subscription to be inactive before considering it invalid.
    ReferenceId String The reference id that (along with streaming context id and session id) identifies the subscription (within the context of a specific service/subscription type)
    RefreshRate Integer Actual refresh rate assigned to the subscription according to the customers SLA.
    Snapshot OrderResponseListResult Snapshot of the current data on hand, when subscription was created.
    State String This property is kept for backwards compatibility.
    Tag String Client specified tag assigned to the subscription, if specified in the request.
  • Streaming Response Parameters

    Name Type Description
    AccountId String The id of the account to which the net position belongs.
    AccountKey AccountKey Unique key of the account where the order is placed
    AdviceNote String Field for adviser to place relevant information.
    AlgoOrderData StringStringKeyValuePair [] Additional order data for algorithmic orders.
    AlgoStrategyName String Type of algo order strategy.
    AllocationKeyId String Allocation Key
    Amount Number Order size
    Ask Number The current market ask price.
    AssetType AssetType The instrument asset type.
    Bid Number The current market bid price.
    BreakoutTriggerDownPrice Number Used for conditional BreakoutTrigger orders. Lower trigger price. If the instrument price falls below this level, a stop loss order will be activated.
    BreakoutTriggerUpPrice Number Used for conditional BreakoutTrigger orders. Upper trigger price. If the instrument price exceeds this level, a take profit limit order will be activated.
    BuySell BuySell Indicates if the order is Buy Or Sell.
    CalculationReliability CalculationReliability If an error was encountered this code indicates source of the calculation error.
    CashAmount Number The monetary/cash purchase amount, only used when OrderAmountType is ValueInInstrumentCurrency. When set, ignore order Amount.
    ClientId String Unique identifier of the client.
    ClientKey ClientKey Unique key of the client where the order is placed
    ClientName String The name of the client.
    ClientNote String The specific text instructions for the Trading Desk to better understand IAM users intentions for staging the order.
    CopiedPositionId String The ID of the position this order was copied from
    CorrelationKey String Correlation key
    CorrelationTypes CorrelationType [] Type of the correlation
    CurrentPrice Number The user specific(delayed/realtime) current market price of the instrument.
    CurrentPriceDelayMinutes Integer If set, it defines the number of minutes by which the price is delayed.
    CurrentPriceLastTraded UtcDateTime Indicates when the user specific current market price of the instrument was last traded.
    CurrentPriceType PriceType The price type (Bid/Ask/LastTraded) of the user specific(delayed/realtime) current market price of the instrument.
    DecisionMakerUserId String Returns decision maker Id, set when placing orders on behalf of other user
    DisplayAndFormat InstrumentDisplayAndFormat Information about the instrument and how to display it.
    DistanceToMarket Number Distance to market for this order. (Dynamically updating)
    Duration OrderDuration The time frame during which the order is valid. If the OrderDurationType is GTD, then an ExpiryDate must also be provided.
    Exchange InstrumentExchangeDetails Information about the instrument's exchange and trading status.
    ExpiryDate UtcDateTime The ExpiryDate. Valid for options and futures.
    ExternalReference String Gets or sets the Client order reference id.
    FilledAmount Number The amount of the order, which has already been filled, in case of partial fills.
    Greeks Greeks Greeks for option(s) i.e. FX Option, Contract Options and Contract Options CFD .
    IpoFinancingAmountPct Number Financing Amount Pct for IPO orders
    IpoSubscriptionFee Number Subscription fee for IPO orders
    IsForceOpen Boolean If True, the order's resulting position will not automatically be netted with position(s) in the opposite direction
    IsMarketOpen Boolean True if the instrument is currently tradable on its exchange.
    MarketPrice Number Current trading price of instrument. (Dynamically updating)
    MarketState MarketState Market state of exchange for instrument
    MarketValue Number Market value of position excl. closing costs.
    MultiLegOrderDetails MultiLegOrderDetails Common properties for multi-leg (strategy) orders.
    NonTradableReason NonTradableReasons Non tradable reason.
    OpenInterest Number The total number of contracts that have not been settled and remain open as of the end of a trading day.
    OpenOrderType OrderType Specifies the Order Type.
    OptionsData OrderOptionsData Details for options, warrants and structured products.
    OrderAmountType OrderAmountType Indicates if the order Amount is specified as lots/shares/contracts or as a monetary purchase amount in instrument currency.
    OrderId String Unique Id of the order.
    OrderRelation OpenOrderRelation Relation to other active orders.
    OrderTime UtcDateTime The UTC date and time the order was placed
    OwnerId String Client id of the client's owner. Only set when relevant.
    Price Number Price at which the order is triggered.
    RelatedOpenOrders RelatedOrderInfo [] List of information about related open orders. There should be enough information that the UI can show the price of the order, and calculate distance to market.
    RelatedPositionId String Id of the related position.
    ShortTrading ShortTrading Short trading allowed or not on instrument
    SleepingOrderCondition SleepingOrderCondition Represent the condition on sleeping order.
    Status OrderStatus Current status of the order
    StopLimitPrice Number Secondary price level for StopLimit orders.
    SwitchInstrumentName String Name of 'SwitchInstrumentUic'/>.
    SwitchInstrumentUic Integer Mutual funds only. When set, instructs the order is to switch (transfer) the value of a matching open position into the specified "switch" instrument (UIC).
    ToOpenClose ToOpenClose Whether the position should be created to open/increase or close/decrease a position.
    TradeIdeaId String The ID of the TradeMaker recommendation.
    TradingStatus TradingStatus Instrument is tradable or not
    TrailingStopDistanceToMarket Number Distance to market for a trailing stop order.
    TrailingStopStep Number Step size for trailing stop order.
    TriggerParentOrderId String Order id of related conditional order that controls placement/activation of this order.
    TriggerPriceType OrderTriggerPriceType Type of price chosen to trigger a conditional order.
    Uic Integer Unique Id of the instrument
    ValueDate UtcDateTime The value date (only for FxForwards).
  • Request Example

    Request URL
    POST /port/v1/orders/subscriptions?$inlinecount=AllPages&$skip=1&$skiptoken=B17D8890-3C7A-4A47-A9AA-01B022ED03A5&$top=1
    Request Body
      "Arguments": {
        "AccountGroupKey": "LZTc7DdejXODf-WSl2aCyQ==",
        "AccountKey": "LZTc7DdejXODf-WSl2aCyQ==",
        "ClientKey": "7m4I|vtYLUnEGg77o9uQhw=="
      "ContextId": "20250228060843480",
      "Format": "application/json",
      "ReferenceId": "O40876",
      "RefreshRate": 5,
      "Tag": "PAGE1"
  • Response Example

    Response body
      "Format": "application/json",
      "InactivityTimeout": 120,
      "ReferenceId": "O40876",
      "RefreshRate": 1000,
      "Snapshot": {
        "Data": [
            "AccountId": "192134INET",
            "AccountKey": "LZTc7DdejXODf-WSl2aCyQ==",
            "Amount": 250000,
            "AssetType": "FxSpot",
            "BuySell": "Buy",
            "CalculationReliability": "Ok",
            "ClientKey": "7m4I|vtYLUnEGg77o9uQhw==",
            "CurrentPrice": 1.09062,
            "CurrentPriceDelayMinutes": 0,
            "CurrentPriceType": "Ask",
            "DistanceToMarket": 0.04062,
            "Duration": {
              "DurationType": "GoodTillCancel"
            "IsExtendedHoursEnabled": false,
            "IsForceOpen": false,
            "IsMarketOpen": false,
            "MarketPrice": 1.09062,
            "NonTradableReason": "None",
            "OpenOrderType": "Limit",
            "OrderAmountType": "Quantity",
            "OrderId": "49318458",
            "OrderRelation": "StandAlone",
            "OrderTime": "2017-04-12T07:56:00Z",
            "Price": 1.05,
            "PriceWithoutSpread": 1.04,
            "Status": "Working",
            "Uic": 21
      "State": "Active"
  • Streaming Response Example

    Response body
      "AccountId": "192134INET",
      "AccountKey": "LZTc7DdejXODf-WSl2aCyQ==",
      "Amount": 250000,
      "AssetType": "FxSpot",
      "BuySell": "Buy",
      "CalculationReliability": "Ok",
      "ClientKey": "7m4I|vtYLUnEGg77o9uQhw==",
      "CurrentPrice": 1.09062,
      "CurrentPriceDelayMinutes": 0,
      "CurrentPriceType": "Ask",
      "DistanceToMarket": 0.04062,
      "Duration": {
        "DurationType": "GoodTillCancel"
      "IsForceOpen": false,
      "IsMarketOpen": false,
      "MarketPrice": 1.09062,
      "NonTradableReason": "None",
      "OpenOrderType": "Limit",
      "OrderAmountType": "Quantity",
      "OrderId": "49318458",
      "OrderRelation": "StandAlone",
      "OrderTime": "2017-04-12T07:56:00+00:00",
      "Price": 1.05,
      "Status": "Working",
      "Uic": 21