Endpoint Parameters
Request parameters
Name Type Origin Description $inlinecount String Query-String Specifies that the response to the request should include a count of the number of entries in the collection $skip Integer Query-String The number of entries to skip from the beginning of the collection $skiptoken String Query-String Specifies an entity id to start retrieving entries from. This is normally only used in generated nextlinks. $top Integer Query-String The number of entries to return from the beginning of the collection AccountGroupKey AccountGroupKey Query-String Id of the account containing the historical positions. AccountKey AccountKey Query-String Id of the account containing the historical positions. AssetType AssetType Query-String Filtering on asset type. If value not supplied all will be returned ClientKey ClientKey Route Id of the client owning the account FromDate Date Query-String From date from which the historical positions are requested. MockDataId String Query-String Optional Mock Data Parameter StandardPeriod AccountPerformanceStandardPeriod Query-String Standard period for account performance. Symbol String [] Query-String The Instrument Symbol Code ToDate Date Query-String To date till which the historical positions are requested. -
Response Parameters
View Response CodesName Type Description __count Number The total count of items in the feed. __next String The link for the next page of items in the feed. Data HistoricalPosition [] The collection of entities for this feed. MaxRows Number The maximum number of rows that can be returned (if applicable). -
Request Example
Request URL
GET /hist/v3/positions/{ClientKey}?$inlinecount=AllPages&$skip=1&$skiptoken=B17D8890-3C7A-4A47-A9AA-01B022ED03A5&$top=1&AccountGroupKey={AccountGroupKey}&AccountKey={AccountKey}&AssetType=FxBinaryOption&FromDate={FromDate}&MockDataId={MockDataId}&StandardPeriod=AllTime&Symbol={Symbol}&ToDate={ToDate}
Response Example
Response body
{ "Data": [ { "AccountId": "112209INET", "AccountValueEndOfDay": { "AccountBalance": 7526.17183, "CashTransfers": 0, "Date": "2016-07-19T00:00:00Z", "PositionsValue": -978.29753, "SecurityTransfers": 0, "TotalValue": 6547.8743 }, "Amount": -1, "AmountAccountValueCloseRatio": "2025-03-29T02:01:00Z", "AmountAccountValueOpenRatio": "2025-03-29T02:01:00Z", "ClosingAssetType": "CfdOnIndex", "ClosingTradeDate": "2016-07-19T00:00:00Z", "ClosingValueDate": "2016-07-19T00:00:00Z", "CopiedFrom": "1", "CorrelationType": "None", "Decimals": 2, "ExecutionTimeClose": "2016-07-19T07:25:37Z", "ExecutionTimeOpen": "2016-07-18T10:38:06Z", "FigureValue": 1, "InstrumentCcyToAccountCcyRateClose": 1.1020982542939, "InstrumentCcyToAccountCcyRateOpen": 1.11308229426434, "InstrumentSymbol": "GER30.I", "LongShort": { "PresentationValue": "Short", "Value": "Short" }, "OpeningAssetType": "CfdOnIndex", "OpeningTradeDate": "2016-07-18T00:00:00Z", "OpeningValueDate": "2016-07-18T00:00:00Z", "PriceClose": 9998, "PriceGain": 0.00477802110292654, "PriceOpen": 10046, "PricePct": -0.477802110292654, "ProfitLoss": 52.87, "ProfitLossAccountValueFraction": 0.00807437613761156, "Uic": "1373", "ValueInAccountCurrencyClose": -11018.7783464304, "ValueInAccountCurrencyOpen": -11182.0247281796 } ] }