
Historical position with fields for private consumption.

  • Name Type Description
    AccountId AccountId ID/Name of the account on which the position was traded.
    AccountValueEndOfDay AccountValue The previous bank day's account value is used for scaling values.
    Amount Number The amount held by the position.
    AmountAccountValueCloseRatio String The relative value of the Closed Position compared to the account at the time of the position closing.
    AmountAccountValueOpenRatio String The relative value of the Closed Position compared to the account at the time of the position creation.
    ClosingAssetType AssetType of instrument of closing trade
    ClosingDisplayHint DisplayHintType Provides to UI for closing trade
    ClosingTradeDate Date The date the clsing trade was executed.
    ClosingValueDate Date The value date of the opening trade.
    CopiedFrom String Position id of the position that has been copied.
    CorrelationType CorrelationType Correlation type of the historical position.
    Decimals Integer Number of Decimals
    DeltaClose Number Delta value at close time.
    DeltaOpen Number Delta value at open time.
    ExecutionTimeClose UtcDateTime UTC date and time of when the position was closed.
    ExecutionTimeOpen UtcDateTime UTC date and time of when the position was opened.
    ExpiryDate Date The date the option expires
    FigureValue Number Figure Value is the lot size times the price factor.
    InstrumentCcyToAccountCcyRateClose Number Exchange rate between position and account currency at close time.
    InstrumentCcyToAccountCcyRateOpen Number Exchange rate between position and account currency at open time.
    InstrumentSymbol String The Instrument symbol.
    LongShort LongOrShort Indicates whether it is a long or a short position.
    LowerBarrier Number Lower barrier for options.
    OpeningAssetType AssetType of instrument of opening trade
    OpeningDisplayHint DisplayHintType Provides to UI for opening trade
    OpeningTradeDate Date The date the opening trade was executed.
    OpeningValueDate Date The value date of the opening trade.
    PipsGainPerInstrumentUnit Number The pips or decipips. Only applicable for FX
    PriceClose Number At what price was the posision closed (in instrument base currency).
    PriceGain Number The difference between opening and closing price.
    PriceOpen Number At what price was the position opened (in instrument base currency).
    PricePct Number Percentage gain between the opening price and the closing price. The percentage gained is taking the 'short' / 'long' information into account. A price drops for a 'short' positions yields a positive price gain where as a price drop for a 'long' position yields a negative price gain. The reverse is true a price increase is registred. Return Percentage value from decimal fraction, e.g. 100% for 1, 50% for 0.50
    ProfitLoss Number The P/L of the position in absolute amount.
    ProfitLossAccountValueFraction Number The P/L over account value EOD previous day.
    PutCall PutCall Option type.
    RowId Integer Row Identifier used in case of Mock Data
    StrikePrice Number The strike price of the option.
    Uic Uic Unique instrument code.
    UpperBarrier Number Upper barrier for options.
    ValueInAccountCurrencyClose Amount The market value of the position at close time, converted to account currency.
    ValueInAccountCurrencyOpen Amount The market value of the position at open time, converted to account currency.