Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    AccountKey AccountKey Route The account key to lookup the conditions for
    FieldGroups ScheduledTradingConditionsFieldGroup [] Query-String Specify which field groups to return
    OptionRootId Integer Route The optionRootId for the option to lookup
    Uic Integer Query-String The uic for the instrument to lookup
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes
    Name Type Description
    AccountCurrency String Currency of the selected account, used when listing currency conversion fees for the selected instrument back to the account currency.
    AssetType AssetType Asset Type
    CarryingCost CarryingCost For instruments where carrying costs are applied (futures, Exchange traded options) , the percentage markup on the intebank interest rate applied for holding the position.
    CommissionLimits CommissionLimit [] The commission structure for the selected instrument.
    CurrencyConversion CurrencyConversion The currency conversion.
    CurrentSpread Number Current spread.
    ExchangeFeeRules ExchangeFeeRules [] Exchange fee rules if applied separately.
    ExerciseCutOffTime String The last time the option can be traded.
    ExpirationTime String The last time on the expiry date the option can be traded.
    ExposureLimits Exposure [] The maximum allowed exposure to the instrument.
    FinanceInterestMarkUp Number Finance interest markup.
    HoldingFee HoldingFee Holding fee if applied.
    InstrumentCurrency String Instrument Currency.
    IsTradable Boolean Indicates whether the instrument is currently tradable.
    LoanInterest LoanInterest Loan interest.
    LoanInterestCharge Obsolete Number - Interest Charged when MarginLending is used Note : Use LoanInterest, as LoanInterestCharge is going to be decommissioned.
    MarginRequirement ContractOptionRootMarginRequirement The margin requirement for the contract option
    PortfolioBasedMargin PortfolioBasedMargin Portfolio based margin
    Rating Number Risk Rating.
    ScheduledContractOptionTradingConditions ScheduledContractOptionTradingCondition [] Scheduled Trading Conditions for Contract Options
    SettlementStyle SettlementStyle An option is either cash settled or settled with a position in the underlying asset. This value indicates what the behavior of the specific option is.
    SwapInterestMarkUp Number Swap interest markup
    Taxes Tax [] (Requires License) List of taxes applied.
    Uic Integer Instrument unique identifier
  • Request Example

    Request URL
    GET /cs/v1/tradingconditions/ContractOptionSpaces/7m4I|vtYLUnEGg77o9uQhw==/232?FieldGroups=ScheduledTradingConditions&Uic=30256728
  • Response Example

    Response body
      "AccountCurrency": "GBP",
      "AssetType": "FxSpot",
      "CarryingCost": {
        "FixedRate": 1,
        "InterbankRate": {
          "AskRate": 2,
          "BidRate": 1,
          "TradeDate": "2025-03-10T00:00:00Z"
        "MarkUpRate": 1.5
      "CommissionLimits": [
          "Currency": "USD",
          "OrderAction": "ExecuteOrder",
          "PerUnitRate": 6
      "ExerciseCutOffTime": "2025-03-10T16:30:00Z",
      "ExpirationTime": "2025-03-10T14:30:00Z",
      "ExposureLimits": [
          "Identifier": "CL",
          "Level": "BaseContractNet",
          "RuleType": "Amount",
          "Value": 200
      "FinanceInterestMarkUp": 9.99,
      "HoldingFee": {
        "FromPeriodInDays": 120,
        "Value": 1.6
      "InstrumentCurrency": "USD",
      "IsTradable": true,
      "MarginRequirement": {
        "MinimumUnderlyingValue": 0.5,
        "Premium": 1,
        "TradingProfile": "Basic",
        "UnderlyingValueOvernightExposure": 1
      "PortfolioBasedMargin": {
        "ExtremeStressFactor": 15.6,
        "Initial": 185.5,
        "IntraWeek": 8.7,
        "LiquidityThresholdAmount": 569987,
        "LiquidityThresholdCurrency": "USD",
        "VolatilityAddOn": 1000.68,
        "VolatilityStress": 100
      "Rating": 5,
      "SettlementStyle": "PhysicalDelivery",
      "SwapInterestMarkUp": 1.11,
      "Taxes": [
          "BuySell": "Buy",
          "CalculationTriggerType": "Normal",
          "CalculationType": "ValueFraction",
          "Description": "UK Stamp Duty",
          "Value": 0.5
      "Uic": 0