
  • Get chart data

    Returns timestamped OHLC samples for a single instrument identified by UIC and AssetType. The covered time period and intervals between samples are controlled by the combination of parameters Horizon, Time, Mode and Count.

    GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/chart/v3/charts?AccountKey={AccountKey}&AssetType={AssetType}&ChartSampleFieldSet={ChartSampleFieldSet}&Count={Count}&FieldGroups={FieldGroups}&Horizon={Horizon}&Mode={Mode}&Time={Time}&Uic={Uic}

  • Create a subscription on chart data

    Sets up a subscription and returns an initial snapshot of most recently completed samples specified by the parameters in the request. Subsequent samples are delivered over the streaming channel. Most often a single new sample or sample update is delivered at a time, but when a sample closes, you will typically get two samples: The now closed bar, and the bar just opening. Two events may require that a client application must close the current subscription and resubscribe:

    • The chart has been revised, either due to a correction or a corporate action.

    • The data stream has shifted from real-time to delayed prices or visa-versa.

    • The data stream can directly be consumed as chart response object

    • Support for Protocol buffers

          In both cases the client application will receive a reset subscriptions instruction over the streaming channel.

    POST https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/chart/v3/charts/subscriptions

  • Remove multiple subscriptions

    Removes all subscriptions for the current session on this resource, and frees all resources on the server.

    DELETE https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/chart/v3/charts/subscriptions/{ContextId}?Tag={Tag}

  • Remove subscription

    Removes subscriptions for the given reference id on this resource, and frees resources on the server.

    DELETE https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/chart/v3/charts/subscriptions/{ContextId}/{ReferenceId}