Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    AccountKey AccountKey Body Unique key identifying the account to register the trade on.
    AccruedInterest Number Body Accrued interest charged to the buyer/from the seller. Only applies to Bond trades.
    Amount Number Body Specifies the size (in units or as cash amount) for an order or price request. Certain products can be traded in fractions.
    AssetType AssetType Body AssetType available for DealCapture currently supports Stock, Bond and MutualFund.
    BuySell BuySell Body Specifies the side of the trade.
    Charges Charges [] Body List of charges associated to this trade.
    Commission Number Body Commission charged for this trade (in instrument currency).
    CommissionInAccountCurrency Number Body Commission charged for this trade in the currency of the account (if different from instrument currency).
    ConversionRate Number Body If the instrument currency is different from the account currency that this trade is posted to, this field indicates the conversion rate that was applied for this trade.
    CounterBookingAccountKey Obsolete AccountKey Body The counter booking account for the Partner or Broker.
    ExecutionTime UtcDateTime Body SO 8601 representation of datetime, always in UTC timezone (Z) with 3-decimal precision for milliseconds.
    ExternalOrderId String Body A client-generated unique string of maximum 50 characters that can be used to match a trade to an external system order. This field is not validated for uniqueness and will not be rejected if the provided `ExternalOrderId` was passed in a previous request. Ensure that the provided value is generated using high-entropy randomness to prevent collisions (such as a `GUID` or `ULID`).
    ExternalReference String Body A client-generated unique string that can be used to match an entity(such as an order) to an external system. Note: OpenAPI does not validate this field for uniqueness and will not reject operations if the provided ExternalReference was passed in a previous request. This field is used as 'tag' on the entity that allows the client to easily find this instance among equivalents. Ensure that the provided value is generated using high-entropy randomness to prevent collisions(such as a GUID or ULID).
    IsAdvisedTrade Boolean Body Indicates whether this trade was the result of a advisory order that was confirmed by the end-client.
    MarketCounterPartyId String Body CounterPartyId that this trade was performed against.
    Price Number Body Specifies the price level for an order. Can also be used in a price request to indicate the target price level for calculation of costs.
    TraderId String Body Specifies the ID of the trader that performed the trade (on behalf of the end client).
    TradeType TradeType Body Trade Type
    TradingVenue String Body Specifies the Trade Venue that the trade was performed on.
    Uic Integer Body Integer representing a universal identifier that is used to mark a specific/unique Instrument. Can be used in combination with AssetType to uniquely identify an Instrument.
    ValueDate Date Body Value date of the trade formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Must be a trade day (cannot be weekend/holiday).
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes
    Name Type Description
    ErrorInfo StringErrorResponse Contains error info when register trade failed.
    PositionId String Id of position representing trade.
  • Request Example

    Request URL
    POST /trade/v2/trades
    Request Body
      "AccountKey": "01b64edf-da03-4145-bf33-ae21527d4c86",
      "Amount": 10,
      "AssetType": "CertificateUncappedOutperformance",
      "BuySell": "Sell",
      "Price": 10,
      "TraderId": "stringValue",
      "Uic": 99,
      "CounterBookingAccountKey": "01b64edf-da03-4145-bf33-ae21527d4c86",
      "TradingVenue": "stringValue",
      "ValueDate": "2021-05-21T00:00:00Z",
      "ExecutionTime": "2021-05-21T00:00:00Z",
      "IsAdvisedTrade": false,
      "Commission": 10,
      "CommissionInAccountCurrency": 10,
      "MarketCounterPartyId": "stringValue",
      "ExternalReference": "stringValue",
      "ConversionRate": 10,
      "AccruedInterest": 10,
      "Charges": [
          "ChargeTypeId": "stringValue",
          "Currency": "stringValue",
          "Amount": 10,
          "AmountInAccountCurrency": 10
      "TradeType": "InternalDealCapture",
      "ExternalOrderId": "stringValue"
  • Response Example

    Response body
      "PositionId": "stringValue",
      "ErrorInfo": {
        "ErrorCode": "stringValue",
        "Message": "stringValue",
        "PreTradeDisclaimers": {
          "DisclaimerContext": "stringValue",
          "DisclaimerTokens": [