Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    AccountKey AccountKey Body Unique key identifying the account to place the order on.
    AlgoOrderData AlgorithmicOrderData Body Specification of StrategyName and parameters for AlgoOrders. Note: AlgoOrders are only supported on the live system.
    AllocationKeyId String Body Set AllocationKey if block trade on IB account.
    Amount Number Body Order size.
    AmountType OrderAmountType Body Indicates if the order Amount is specified as lots/shares/contracts or as a monetary purchase amount in instrument currency. If CurrencyAmount, then use CashAmount. Defaults to Quantity Currently only supported on MutualFunds
    AppHint Integer Body Optional informational id, which will be added to the order for statistics purposes. Only relevant for Saxo applications
    AssetType AssetType Body The Instruments AssetType.
    BuySell BuySell Body The direction of the order; buy or sell.
    CancelOrders Boolean Body If set True, it will cancel all orders placed against the instrument of this order.
    ClearForceOpen Boolean Body If set True, it will clear the ForceOpen flag for all positions belongs to instrument of this order.And will be set to True implicitly if not set explicitly resulting cancel all orders against the instrument of this order.
    DealCapture Obsolete DealCapture Body Deal capture information, only applicable for DealCaptures orders.
    DecisionMakerUserID String Body The ID of the user who has accepted the advice to place an order.
    ExternalReference String Body Optional reference from the app, to correlate orders with Saxo Bank issues order IDs. Maximum length: 50 characters. The order will be rejected if the reference is too long. This reference doesn’t have to be unique.
    ForwardDate Date Body Forward date that is only used for FxForward entry orders (no OCO, no related orders).
    IsForceOpen Boolean Body If true, the order's resulting position will only be netted with positions in the opposite direction when explicitly closed.
    ManualOrder Boolean Body Indicator for whether order is placed automatically or manually.
    OrderDuration OrderDuration Body The Order Duration.
    OrderId String Body Used when placing related orders for an existing order.
    OrderPrice Number Body Order Price. Optional for market orders.
    Orders PlaceRelatedOrOcoOrder [] Body Optional related orders or OCO orders.
    OrderType PlaceableOrderType Body Order type.
    PositionId String Body Used when placing related orders for an existing position.
    QuoteCurrency Boolean Body Indicates whether order request is done in quote (2nd) currency. (FxSpot only).
    StopLimitPrice Number Body Stop limit price for Stop Limit order
    SwitchInstrumentUic Integer Body The Uic of the instrument to be used for Switch And Traspaso orders, Mutual Funds Specific
    ToOpenClose ToOpenClose Body Whether the order should be created to open/increase or close/decrease a position. (Only relevant for options)
    TraderId String Body Trader Id, Used only if the application is configured for supporting it with length of 2-16 chars.
    TrailingStopDistanceToMarket Number Body Distance to market for a trailing stop order.
    TrailingStopStep Number Body Step size for trailing stop order.
    TraspasoIn TraspasoInDetails Body Information about Traspaso in external source instrument
    Uic Integer Body Unique id of the instrument to place the order for.
    WithAdvice Boolean Body Indicates whether order is placed with advice to client.
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes
    Name Type Description
    ErrorInfo StringErrorResponse Contains error info when request failed.
    ExternalReference String Optional reference supplied when placing the order. Max. 50 characters.
    OrderId String Id of order. No value provided if request failed.
    Orders RelatedOrOcoOrder [] List of resulting orders.
  • Request Example

    Request URL
    POST /trade/v2/orders
    Request Body
      "AlgoOrderData": {
        "Arguments": {
          "DisplayQuantity": "100"
        "StrategyName": "Iceberg"
      "Orders": [
          "AccountKey": "LZTc7DdejXODf-WSl2aCyQ==",
          "Amount": 100000,
          "AssetType": "FxSpot",
          "BuySell": "Sell",
          "OrderDuration": {
            "DurationType": "GoodTillCancel"
          "OrderPrice": 1.13,
          "OrderType": "Limit",
          "Uic": 21
          "AccountKey": "LZTc7DdejXODf-WSl2aCyQ==",
          "Amount": 100000,
          "AssetType": "FxSpot",
          "BuySell": "Sell",
          "OrderDuration": {
            "DurationType": "GoodTillCancel"
          "OrderPrice": 1.03,
          "OrderType": "Stop",
          "Uic": 21
      "WithAdvice": false
  • Response Example

    Response body
      "OrderId": "67762872",
      "Orders": [
          "OrderId": "67762872"