
Public contract providing the price for a multi-leg strategy.

  • Name Type Description
    BuySell BuySell Indicates if the multi-leg strategy to be considered a net Buy or Sell. Please use this value when placing an order.
    Commissions Commissions The commissions
    Greeks Greeks Greeks - only available for options
    InstrumentPriceDetails InstrumentPriceDetails Instrument Specific Price Details. Contents vary by AssetType
    LastUpdated UtcDateTime Time of last price update
    Legs MultiLegOrderLegPriceLegResponse [] Prices details for each leg of a multi-legs instrument/order.
    MarginImpactBuySell MarginImpactBuySell The margin impact with currency and values for both buy and sell.
    MarketState MarketState The market state of exchange.
    PriceSource String The source for the price information
    Quote TradableQuote The tradable quote data.
    StrategyType OptionsStrategyType If non-custom multi-leg strategy, this is the common exchange traded options strategy name.