Enumeration of Trading errors and related descriptions returned by endpoints.
Name Description AccountIsTradeRestricted Account is trade restricted. ActiveFollowerCannotCancelOrderManually An active trade follower is not allowed to cancel order manually. AlgoOrderErrorInParameterValue One or more mandatory parameters are missing AlgoOrderIllegalAssetType The assettype is not supported by the strategy AlgoOrderIllegalDurationType The order duration type is not supported by the strategy AlgoOrderMissingMandatoryParameter One or more mandatory parameters are missing AllocationKeyNotFound Allocation key not found AllocationKeyPercentDoesNotSumToOneHundred Participation with Percentage distribution type should sum up to 100% AlreadyPendingCancelReplace Request to Cancel or Replace order already send. AmountBelowMinimumLotSize The supplied duration is not supported for the current order AmountDiffersFromAmountOnRelatedOrder Amount differs from amount on related order. AmountLowerThanAllocationKeyUnits Order or trade placed or changed to amount lower than sum of units in allocation key. AmountNotInLotSize Order size is not valid for the exchange. BarrierTooCloseToSpot Barrier is too close to spot. BrokerOption Request rejected by broker. ClientCannotCancelMarketExpiryOrder Client cannot cancel Market Expiry Order. ClientExposureLimitation Trade would exceed client exposure limitation. ClmDataFeedClientExceptionCommissionRuleMissing Error code return when commission rule is missing. CloseAllPositionsAlreadyBeingClosed The specified closeAll key covers positions already closed by a closeAll key. DirectAccessNotAllowed Instrument invalid for Direct Access trading DurationNotSupported The supplied duration is not supported for the current order ExchangeNotSupported Time and sales is not supported for this exchange. ExchangeRateNotAvailable Exchange rate not available ExpirationDateInPast Error code when expiration date is not set on order request having order duration: GoodTillDate ExpirationDateRequired Error code when expiration date in the past on order request having order duration: GoodTillDate ForwardDateInPast Error code when forward date is in the past on FxForwards order request. ForwardDateRequired Error code when forward date is not set on FxForwards order. FxSwapLegsValueDateRequired Error code when near leg and far leg value dates are not set on FxSwap order. IllegalAccount Account not allowed. IllegalAmount Illegal amount. IllegalDate Illegal Date. IllegalInstrumentId Instrument cannot be found. IllegalStrike Illegal strike price. IllegalWatchlistId Error code returned when the watch list cannot be found. InstrumentDisabledForTrading Trading is disabled for the instrument. InstrumentHasExpired Instrument has expired InstrumentNotAllowed Error code returned when the account is not allowed to trade in or receive prices for the specified asset type. InstrumentNotFoundOrNotAllowedForMarketTrades Instrument not found or not allowed for market trades subscription. InstrumentNotTradableAsTheSelectedType The instrument is not tradable as the selected asset type InstrumentSuspended Trading in instrument is suspended InstrumentTypeNotSupportedException Unsupported instrument type InsufficentCash Insufficient cash for trade. InsufficientTradeLevelException Indicates that an operation cannot be performed because the resource requires a higher TradeLevel that the current session has. InternalServerError Internal Server Error. InvalidAllocationKeyUsed Order or trade placed with an allocationkey thats invalid or marked as inactive or deleted InvalidCurrencyPair Invalid currency pair InvalidExpiryTimeOnExchange Error code when expiration date is not set on order request having order duration: GoodTillDate InvalidFxSwapLegsValueDate Error code when near leg value date is greater than far leg value date. InvalidMessageId The provided message id is either invalid or not found. InvalidOptionRootId Invalid option root id specified. InvalidPriceRequest Error code returned when an invalid price request is submitted InvalidRefreshRate Invalid refresh rate. InvalidRequest Invalid request. InvalidTimeInExpiationDateTime Error code when expiration date is not set on order request having order duration: GoodTillDate InvalidTraderId Invalid TraderId - The TraderId does not conform to the formatting rules for TraderIds InvalidUic Error code returned when the UIC is either invalid or not specified. MarginBorderline Trade would result in borderline margin MarketClosed Market is closed. MissingTimeInExpirationDateTime Error code when expiration date is not set on order request having order duration: GoodTillDate NoChatMessageEntered No chat message entered. NoDataAccess No data access to instrument prices NotTradableAtPresent Not tradable at present. NoValidQuote No valid quote to buy or sell on. OnWrongSideOfMarket Order price is on wrong side of market. OpeningShortFXOptionPositionsNotAllowed Opening short FX option positions is not allowed. OptionExerciseAfterCutoff Exercise not allowed after exercise cut-off time or on last trading day or later. OptionsChainNotSupportedForAssetType Error code when OptionsChain subscriptions are not supported for the given AssetType. OrderCannotBeCancelledAtThisTime Order cannot be canceled at this time OrderNotFound Requested order id not found. OrderNotPlaced Order not placed OrderRelatedPositionMissMatch The related position was not found or the current order is on a different account than the position OrderRequestAfterLastTradingDate The instruments's last trading date has passed. OrderValueTooLarge Order value is too large. OrderValueToSmall Order value must be above the minimum order value for this exchange. PendingTradeRequests Limit of pending trade requests is exceeded PositionBuildupNotValidForInstrument A trade or order was placed with position buildup on an instrument not supporting this. PriceExceedsAggressiveTolerance The price exceeds the aggressive tolerance PriceNotFound Price from client trade request was not found in price history. PriceNotInTickSizeIncrements The price is not in valid ticksize increments PriceRequestRequiresExpiryDate Error code returned price request requires expiry date PriceRequestRequiresPutCall Error code returned price request requires setting put or call QuoteHasTimedOut Quote has timed out. RelatedOrderWasRejected Order request rejected due to failure for related order. RequestForQuoteFailed Price subscription cannot enter Request For Quote. RequestForQuoteNotAllowed Request For Quote is not allowed for an existing price subscription. RequestMarginImpactOnNextPriceFailed Price subscription cannot add margin impact. RequoteRequired Price has changed to much, requote required. ShortTradeDisabled Trading Short for selected instrument disabled. TooCloseToEntryOrder Contingent guaranteed stop price is too close to entry order price. TooCloseToMarket Guaranteed stop is too close to market. TooCloseToOcoRelatedOrderPrice Order price is too close to OCO related order price. TooFarFromEntryOrder Order price is too far from the entry order. TooFarFromMarket Limit price is too far from market. TooLateToCancelOrder Too late to cancel order. TooManyStrikesRequested Error code when too many strikes are quested for one options-chain. TooSmallTrade Trade contract size is to small TraderIdIsRequired The TraderId is required for this application TradeSessionNotPrimary Error code return when a position cannot be created, updated or exercised, because the session is not the primary trade session UicsInListNotUnique Info price uic list is not distinct UnexpectedTimeInExpirationDateTime Error code when expiration date is not set on order request having order duration: GoodTillDate Unknown Unknown or no error code. WarningAmountLargeOrderSize Returned when a price request is for a an amount that is larger than will be automatically accepted. For IOC orders, this means that an order on that amount will always be rejected. WouldExceedEquityConcentrationLimit Would exceed equity concentration limit. WouldExceedMargin Trade would exceed margin limits. WouldExceedMarginCeiling Would exceed margin ceiling. WouldExceedTradingLine Trade would exceed trading line limits.