Additional instrument specific price details
Name Type Description AccruedInterest Number Accrued Interest. Valid for: Bonds AskYield Number AskYield are only valid for the bond asset type. BidYield Number BidYield are only valid for the bond asset type. CfdBorrowingCost Number Costs applicable to shorting the CFD. CfdHardToFinanceRate Number A rate relevant for certain long cfd positions CfdPriceAdjustment Boolean Is returned as true when the instrument subscribed for is a CFD and the user is on a special mark-up price configuration. If true, the values in EstPriceBuy and EstPriceSell are relevant (but still only provided given a share price) Dma Boolean Trade is routed to trading venue. Trade on quote not allowed. EstPriceBuy Number May be returned when the instrument subscribed for is a CFD on a stock and the user is set up to trade on the share price, but pay a markup on top. In that case the EstPriceBuy is the markup paied for an eventual buy order. Not relevant for info prices.
Price values are depending on a subscription to a feed. This can mean no data, delayed data or real time data dependent on the callers subscription setup.EstPriceSell Number May be returned when the instrument subscribed for is a CFD and the user is set up to trade on the share price, but pay a markup on top. In that case the EstPriceSell is the markup paied for an eventual sell order. Not relevant for info prices.
Price values are depending on a subscription to a feed. This can mean no data, delayed data or real time data dependent on the callers subscription setup.ExpiryDate Date Expiry date for contract. Valid for: CFD Futures, FxOptions ForwardDateFarLeg Date The far leg value date. Applicable for FxSwap ForwardDateNearLeg Date The near leg value date. Applicable for FxSwap IndexRatio Number IndexRatio, Applicable for inflation linked bond IsMarketOpen Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether the market on which the instrument is traded is currently open. LowerBarrier Number Lower Barrier. Valid for: FX One Touch, No TouchOptions and certian derivatives such as Turbos. MidForwardPrice Number The mid forward price. MidSpotPrice Number The post mid price. Valid for: Fx Options. MidYield Number MidYield are only valid for the bond asset type. NoticeDate Date Futures only - The date on which the owner may be required to take physical delivery of the instrument commodity. OpenInterest Number The number of currently open contracts (available for contract options and futures) PaidCfdInterest Number A rate representing the interest to be paid when holding a CFD short position overnight. PaidSrdInterest Number A rate representing the interest to be paid when holding a SRD short position overnight. PremiumDate Date Premium date ReceivedCfdInterest Number A rate representing the interest received when with holding a CFD long position overnight. ReceivedSrdInterest Number A rate representing the interest received when with holding a SRD long position overnight. ShortTradeDisabled Boolean Set to true if short trading is disabled for this instrument. SpotAsk Number The spot ask price Valid for: FX Forwards. SpotBid Number The post bid price. Valid for: Fx Forwards. SpotDate Date The Spot Date. Valid for Fx Forwards. SrdLastTradeDate String Liquidation/Last Trade Date of the SRD SrdSettlementDate String Settlement Date of the SRD StrikePrice Number Option Strike Price. SwapAsk Number Swap rate for ask, Valid for: FxForwards and FxSwap SwapBid Number Swap rate for bid, Valid for: FxForwards and FxSwap UpperBarrier Number Upper Barrier. Valid for: FX One Touch, No TouchOptions and certian derivatives such as Turbos. ValueDate Date Actual ValueDate (could be different from what was specified in request due to holidays etc.).