Endpoint Parameters
Request parameters
Name Type Origin Description AccountKey AccountKey Route The account for which the settings apply EntityKey String Query-String UserKey if EntityType=Individual or ClientKey if EntityType=Organization EntityType EntityType Query-String An individual person or organization -
Response Parameters
View Response CodesName Type Description AdjustedRiskAppetite RiskLevelDetails Adjusted risk appetite EsgDeclaration EsgDeclaration Object describing the clients ESG declaration. Horizon Integer Year at which the investment is expected to be liquidated. LastUpdated UtcDateTime The time when the investment profile was last updated. PreferredManagementType ManagementType Preferred account management type Purpose String Textual description of investment purpose. RiskAppetite RiskLevelDetails Risk appetite -
Request Example
Request URL
GET /reg/v3/mifid/accountinvestmentprofiles/{AccountKey}?EntityKey={EntityKey}&EntityType=Individual
Response Example
Response body
{ "AdjustedRiskAppetite": { "Description": "You are willing to take a bit more risk than with savings and expect a higher return than with savings. You want the value of your plan to be relatively stable, but you know that your expected return is limited and can also lead to a loss.", "RiskAppetiteId": "1", "RiskAppetiteLevel": "Defensive" }, "EsgDeclaration": { "EsgPreference": "Specific", "SpecificEsgPreference": { "ImpactInvestingPct": 20, "PrincipalAdverseImpactPct": 40, "TaxonomyPct": 30 } }, "Horizon": 2030, "LastUpdated": "2025-03-22T04:35:03.358631Z", "PreferredManagementType": "Discretionary", "Purpose": "Pension", "RiskAppetite": { "Description": "You expect a return that is markedly better than savings and you understand that the value of your plan can fluctuate. You are willing to take less than average risks and you understand that expected returns will be less than average as a result.", "RiskAppetiteId": "2", "RiskAppetiteLevel": "Conservative" } }