Endpoint Parameters
Request parameters
Name Type Origin Description ExchangeId String Route The ID of the exchange. -
Response Parameters
View Response CodesName Type Description AllDay Boolean Is exchange open or closed all day? CountryCode String The ISO 3166-2 country code of the exchange's country. Currency String The base currency of the exchange. ExchangeId String The unique ID of the exchange. ExchangeSessions ExchangeSession [] The exchange start and end times in UTC. IsoMic String ISO 10383 Market Identifier Code. A single operating exchange (see `OperatingMIC`) can have one or more individual (sub)markets. Mic String Market Identifier Code used by Saxo to identify a specific market, which can be different from `IsoMic` and is used in instrument symbols and as price source fields. Name String This is the same as ShortDescription in the database. OperatingMic String ISO 10383 Operating Market Identifier Code, which identifies the operating exchange.A single operating exchange can have one or more individual markers, identified by their own MICs (see `IsoMic`). PriceSourceName String This is the same as SourceAttributionDescription in the database. TimeZone Integer The exchange's time zone. TimeZoneAbbreviation String The exchange's time zone abbreviation. TimeZoneId String Exchange's TimeZone TimeZoneOffset String The time zone offset from UTC. -
Request Example
Request URL
GET /ref/v1/exchanges/LME
Response Example
Response body
{ "CountryCode": "ES", "Currency": "EUR", "ExchangeId": "SIBE", "IsoMic": "XMAD", "Mic": "XMCE", "Name": "BME Spanish Exchanges", "OperatingMic": "BMEX", "TimeZone": 4, "TimeZoneOffset": "2025-03-29T00:00:00Z" }