Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    Name String Route The name of the Strategy.
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes
    Name Type Description
    Description String User-friendly description
    MinAmountUSD Number Min required amount to trade
    Name String String identification
    Parameters StrategyParameter [] Strategy's specific parameters
    SupportedDurationTypes DurationType [] Supported duration types within this strategy
    SupportedOrderTypes OrderType [] Supported order types within this strategy
    TradableInstrumentTypes AssetType [] Instrument types which can be traded within this strategy
  • Request Example

    Request URL
    GET /ref/v1/algostrategies/LME
  • Response Example

    Response body
      "Description": "stringValue",
      "MinAmountUSD": 10,
      "Name": "stringValue",
      "Parameters": [
          "DataType": 0,
          "IsEditable": false,
          "IsMandatory": false,
          "UiDefaultValue": "stringValue",
          "UiOrderingIndex": 0,
          "UiStepSize": 1.3
      "SupportedDurationTypes": [
      "SupportedOrderTypes": [
      "TradableInstrumentTypes": [