
Filters results so only netpositions that match the provided criteria are returned. ClientKey must be specified.

  • Name Type Description
    AccountGroupKey AccountGroupKey The key of the account group to which the positions belong.
    AccountKey AccountKey The key of the account to which the positions belong.
    AssetType AssetType Optional. The AssetType.
    ClientKey ClientKey The key of the client to which the positions belong.
    ExpiryDate UtcDateTime Optional. The expiry date. Only used to distinguish FxOptions.
    FieldGroups NetPositionFieldGroup [] Specifies which data to return. Default is [NetPositionBase,NetPositionView]
    LowerBarrier Number Optional. The Lower Barrier. Only used to distinguish Fx Barrier Options.
    NetPositionId String Optional. The id of the netposition
    PutCall PutCall Optional. Put or Call. Only used to distinguish FxOptions.
    StrategyGroupingEnabled Boolean Specifies if the positions should be grouped by strategy. Default is false
    Strike Number Optional. The strike price of the option. Only used to distinguish FxOptions.
    Uic Integer Optional. Unique id of the instrument.
    UpperBarrier Number Optional. The Upper Barrier. Only used to distinguish Fx Barrier Options.
    ValueDate UtcDateTime Optional. The value date. Only used to distinguish FxForwards.
    WatchlistId String Optional. Watchlist Id.Filter on watchlist instruments