
Static information related to the net position.

  • Name Type Description
    AccountId String The id of the account to which the net position belongs. This is blank, if AccountKey was not specified in the querystring.
    Amount Number Sum volume of positions in instrument
    AmountLong Number Sum of volume positions that are long.
    AmountShort Number Sum of volume positions that are short.
    AssetType AssetType The AssetType.
    BlockedQuantity Number Stock blocking Quantity
    CanBeClosed Boolean Indicates if the net position may be closed.
    ClientId String The id of the client to which the net position belongs.
    ExpiryDate UtcDateTime The ExpiryDate.
    FixedIncomeData FixedIncomeData Information specific to fixed income products.
    HasForceOpenPositions Boolean If true, Underlying position(s) having ForceOpen position(s)
    IsMarketOpen Boolean True if the instrument is currently tradable on its exchange.
    MarketState MarketState Market state of exchange for instrument
    NonTradableReason NonTradableReasons Non tradable reason.
    NoticeDate UtcDateTime Futures only - The date on which the owner may be required to take physical delivery of the instrument commodity.
    NumberOfRelatedOrders Integer The number of related orders to positions under this NetPosition.
    OpenIndexRatioAverage Number Open IndexRatio, Applicable for Inflation linked bonds.
    OpenIpoOrdersCount Integer Open Ipo order(s) count
    OpenOrdersCount Integer Open order(s) Count
    OpenTriggerOrdersCount Integer Open Trigger order(s) Count
    OptionsData OptionsData Details for options, warrants and structured products.
    OptionStrategyView OptionStrategyView Details for the option strategy view.
    PositionsAccount AccountId If all underlying positions are on the same account then this is the account. If not, it is omitted.
    ShortTrading ShortTrading Short trading allowed or not on instrument
    SinglePositionAccountId String The accountid of the first and only position. Omitted if the net position has more than one underlying position.
    SinglePositionId String Unique id of the first and only position. Omitted if the net position has more than one underlying position.
    SinglePositionStatus PositionStatus The status of the first and only position. Omitted if the net position has more than one underlying position.
    SrdLastTradeDate UtcDateTime SRD Last Trade Date
    SrdSettlementDate UtcDateTime SRD Settlement Date
    TradingStatus TradingStatus Instrument is tradable or not
    Uic Integer Unique id of the instrument.
    ValueDate UtcDateTime The value date of the net position