
OpenApi time weighted data contract

  • Name Type Description
    ClosedTradesCount Integer The number of closed trades for the period.
    DrawdownReport DrawdownReport The drawdown report for a time weighted time series.
    LosingDaysFraction Number The losing days fraction is the fraction of days with negative returns where both realized and unrealized profits are taken into account.
    MaxDrawDownFraction Number The maximum draw down as fraction is the largest drop in the time series as a fraction.
    ReturnFraction Number The return fraction.
    SampledStandardDeviation Number The unbiased sampled standard deviation which means that the standard deviation estimator has been corrected by applying the Bessel's correction.
    SharpeRatio Number The sharpe ratio.
    SortinoRatio Number The sortino ratio.
    WinningFraction Number The fraction of closed positions that has been won.