Endpoint Parameters
Request parameters
Name Type Origin Description AccountGroupKey AccountGroupKey Query-String The key of the account group to which the resource belongs. AccountKey AccountKey Query-String The keys of the accounts to which the resource belongs. AmountTypeId String Query-String Amount Type Id of the owed amount, for which you want instruments returned. ClientKey ClientKey Query-String The key of the client to which the resource belongs. Currency String Query-String Currency code of the owed amount, for which you want instruments returned. -
Response Parameters
View Response CodesName Type Description __count Number The total count of items in the feed. __next String The link for the next page of items in the feed. Data InstrumentBreakdown [] The collection of entities for this feed. MaxRows Number The maximum number of rows that can be returned (if applicable). -
Request Example
Request URL
GET /hist/v1/unsettledamounts/instruments?AccountGroupKey=QEPWm2RyUefWudKFjRaJag==&AccountKey=7wfA7-TCgQ0ygd||aOXY0w==&AmountTypeId={AmountTypeId}&ClientKey=AbSTLYSoo499JZpp|ckGFw==&Currency={Currency}
Response Example
Response body
{ "Data": [ { "AssetType": "FxSpot", "CashFlows": [ { "Amount": 274, "ValueDate": "2025-02-23T00:00:00Z" } ], "InstrumentDescription": "Phillip Inc.", "InstrumentSymbol": "PI:xnys", "Total": 320.45, "Uic": 32154 } ] }