Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    $skip Integer Query-String The number of entries to skip from the beginning of the collection
    $top Integer Query-String The number of entries to return from the beginning of the collection
    AccountGroupKey AccountGroupKey Query-String Account group to get the events for.
    AccountKey AccountKey Query-String Account to get the events for.
    AssetTypes AssetType [] Query-String Asset type filter for events.
    ClientKey ClientKey Query-String Client to get the events for.
    CorporateActionTypes CorporateActionType [] Query-String Corporate action type filter for events.
    ElectionStatuses ElectionStatus [] Query-String Election status filter for events.
    EventStates EventState [] Query-String Filter collection based on event state. Note that some events are only returned if IncludeLapsedEvents is set to true.
    EventStatus EventStatus Query-String Event status filter.
    EventTypes String [] Query-String Event type filter. Use event type codes to filter.
    FromDeadlineDate Date Query-String Events on or after specified deadline date.
    FromExDate Date Query-String Events on or after specified ex date.
    FromPayDate Date Query-String Events on or after specified pay date.
    FromRecordDate Date Query-String Events on or after specified record date.
    IncludeLapsedEvents Boolean Query-String If true, the returned collection will include otherwise excluded events. These events have EventStatus of Past and an EventState of Preliminary, Cancelled, or Confirmed. These events are excluded by default due their low importance and excessive volumes.
    IncludeSubAccounts Boolean Query-String Indicate whether to include events from sub-clients.
    Keywords String Query-String Looks for keywords in instrument description, ISIN code, and instrument symbol.
    SortColumn SortColumn Query-String Specify a column to sort on. Default sort will be provided on Date.
    SortType SortType Query-String Specify ascending or descending sort. Default sort type will be Descending.
    ToDeadlineDate Date Query-String Events on or before specified deadline date.
    ToExDate Date Query-String Events on or before specified ex date.
    ToPayDate Date Query-String Events on or before specified pay date.
    ToRecordDate Date Query-String Events on or before specified record date.
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes
    Name Type Description
    __count Number The total count of items in the feed.
    __next String The link for the next page of items in the feed.
    Data Event [] The collection of entities for this feed.
    MaxRows Number The maximum number of rows that can be returned (if applicable).
  • Request Example

    Request URL
    GET /ca/v2/events?$skip=1&$top=1&AccountGroupKey=BxS0VWLta8lJ3SBpjGBQjw==&AccountKey=2y0tX0m9ZH7MH8HK38qM9g==&AssetTypes=Stock,Bond&ClientKey=7m4I|vtYLUnEGg77o9uQhw==&CorporateActionTypes=Mandatory,Voluntary&ElectionStatuses=Elected,PartialElected&EventStates=Preliminary,Confirmed,Approved&EventStatus=Active&EventTypes=DVCA,DVOP&FromDeadlineDate=2020-06-16&FromExDate=2020-06-16&FromPayDate=2020-06-16&FromRecordDate=2020-06-16&IncludeLapsedEvents=False&IncludeSubAccounts=False&Keywords=Appl&SortColumn=Date&SortType=Desc&ToDeadlineDate=2020-10-15&ToExDate=2020-10-15&ToPayDate=2020-10-15&ToRecordDate=2020-10-15
  • Response Example

    Response body
      "__count": 1,
      "Data": [
          "AnnouncedDate": "2021-02-12T00:00:00Z",
          "AssetType": "Stock",
          "BidIntervalRate": {
            "Currency": "EUR",
            "Value": 1
          "ClaimPeriod": {
            "End": {
              "Status": "Ongoing"
            "Start": {
              "Status": "Ongoing"
          "CorporateActionType": "Voluntary",
          "DisplayAndFormat": {
            "Description": "Chargeurs SA",
            "IsinCode": "FR0000130692",
            "Symbol": "CRI:xpar"
          "Effective": {
            "Date": "2021-02-12T00:00:00Z"
          "Electable": "Electable",
          "ElectionStatus": "PartialElected",
          "EventId": "9652429",
          "EventIndicators": [
              "Indicator": "AdditionalBusinessProcess",
              "Values": [
                  "Code": "NPLE",
                  "Description": "The issuer only allows a single option to be selected per designated holding.",
                  "Name": "No Split Election"
              "Indicator": "Change",
              "Values": [
                  "Code": "BERE",
                  "Description": "Change from bearer into registered form.",
                  "Name": "Bearer to Registered"
              "Indicator": "Consent",
              "Values": [
                  "Code": "CTRM",
                  "Description": "This is a change in the terms and conditions of the bond.",
                  "Name": "Change in Terms"
              "Indicator": "Dividend",
              "Values": [
                  "Code": "FINL",
                  "Description": "Payment of a dividend, less the amounts already paid through interim dividends.",
                  "Name": "Final"
          "EventState": "Preliminary",
          "EventStatus": "Past",
          "EventType": {
            "Code": "DVCA",
            "Description": "Distribution of cash to shareholders, in proportion to their equity holding. Ordinary dividends are recurring and regular. Shareholder must take cash and may be offered a choice of currency.",
            "Name": "Cash Dividend"
          "Ex": {
            "Date": "2021-02-12T00:00:00Z"
          "FirstBidIncrementPrice": {
            "Currency": "EUR",
            "Type": "Actual",
            "Value": 20
          "Holdings": [
              "AccountId": "123INET",
              "Amount": 100,
              "CashReserved": {
                "Currency": "USD",
                "Value": 2583.62
              "ClientId": "906869",
              "ClientName": "John",
              "ElectedAmount": 20,
              "EventId": "9652429",
              "Options": [
                  "ElectedAmount": 20,
                  "ElectedBy": "John",
                  "ElectionType": "Manual",
                  "Instruction": {
                    "Status": "Accepted"
                  "OptionId": "1",
                  "Remarks": "Remarks by client..."
              "OwnerId": "532"
          "InformationToComply": "RestrictionsMayApply",
          "InterestPeriod": {
            "End": {
              "Status": "Ongoing"
            "Start": {
              "Status": "Ongoing"
          "LastBidIncrementPrice": {
            "Currency": "EUR",
            "Type": "Actual",
            "Value": 60
          "MaxPrice": {
            "Currency": "EUR",
            "Type": "Actual",
            "Value": 60
          "MaxQuantitySought": 1000,
          "MinPrice": {
            "Currency": "EUR",
            "Type": "Actual",
            "Value": 5
          "MinQuantitySought": 4,
          "Narrative": "ADTX

    Rights issue trading period of rights: ______________ terms: you may apply for _____ new share for every ______ rights held at _________ per share.
    Client must ensure that they instruct in the multiple/s advised in the notification.
    Failure to comply will result in the rejection of instruction/s and client/s will not be notified of the rejection.
    Option 1: exercise (receive shares) option 2: oversubscribe (please state the number of additional shares you wish to oversubscribe for).
    Option 3: lapse (default) should the client wish to oversubscribe, kindly ensure to exercise full quantity of rights.
    Oversubscription may be subject to scaleback based at the account level.
    For clients who elect to exercise and oversubscribe, please ensure your account is funded on the same day of instructions submission; failure to do so will result in your instruction being rejected.
    Total subscription cost/s including oversubscription will be debited on the next business day after the instruction deadline date.
    A potential future resultant entitlement will be booked to a dummy security and may be subject to a proration factor being applied where oversubscription has been elected.
    Note that any reduction or change in this position may be a result of this factor.
    The final resultant entitlement will be booked on the market identifier upon receipt from agent.
    In the case where scaleback of subscription/oversubscription occurs, cost will be refunded without interest as soon as practical upon receipt from the agent.
    We will attempt to sell any tradeable rights position left uninstructed or instructed to lapse on the last rights trading date if the value of the client position is worth more than eur 30 or equivalent to the currency of the security.
    For non tradeable rights, rights not exercised will be lapsed worthless.
    We hereby informs the client that, according to the laws of the country of its incorporation or the laws of the country of residence of its customers and the laws applicable to an issuer of securities which are subject to corporate actions, the client, will decide to participate or not to such corporate actions upon its sole and exclusive discretion and judgment.
    The client will bear any detrimental consequence arising out of or connected to such instruction.
    For the avoidance of doubt, any information in relation to the corporate actions sent to the client may have been obtained from sources which are not under the bank's control and accordingly, the bank shall not be held responsible for the truth and the accuracy of this information.
    Please refer to the prospectus of the event for any further details.


    Rights issue trading period of rights: ______________ terms: you may apply for _____ new share for every ______ rights held at _________ per share.
    Client must ensure that they instruct in the multiple/s advised in the notification.
    Failure to comply will result in the rejection of instruction/s and client/s will not be notified of the rejection.
    Option 1: exercise (receive shares) option 2: oversubscribe (please state the number of additional shares you wish to oversubscribe for).
    Option 3: lapse (default) should the client wish to oversubscribe, kindly ensure to exercise full quantity of rights.
    Oversubscription may be subject to scaleback based at the account level.
    For clients who elect to exercise and oversubscribe, please ensure your account is funded on the same day of instructions submission; failure to do so will result in your instruction being rejected.
    Total subscription cost/s including oversubscription will be debited on the next business day after the instruction deadline date.
    A potential future resultant entitlement will be booked to a dummy security and may be subject to a proration factor being applied where oversubscription has been elected.
    Note that any reduction or change in this position may be a result of this factor.
    The final resultant entitlement will be booked on the market identifier upon receipt from agent.
    In the case where scaleback of subscription/oversubscription occurs, cost will be refunded without interest as soon as practical upon receipt from the agent.
    We will attempt to sell any tradeable rights position left uninstructed or instructed to lapse on the last rights trading date if the value of the client position is worth more than eur 30 or equivalent to the currency of the security.
    For non tradeable rights, rights not exercised will be lapsed worthless.
    We hereby informs the client that, according to the laws of the country of its incorporation or the laws of the country of residence of its customers and the laws applicable to an issuer of securities which are subject to corporate actions, the client, will decide to participate or not to such corporate actions upon its sole and exclusive discretion and judgment.
    The client will bear any detrimental consequence arising out of or connected to such instruction.
    For the avoidance of doubt, any information in relation to the corporate actions sent to the client may have been obtained from sources which are not under the bank's control and accordingly, the bank shall not be held responsible for the truth and the accuracy of this information.
    Please refer to the prospectus of the event for any further details.

    , "NewBoardLotQuantity": 20, "NewDenominationQuantity": 100, "NumberofDaysAccrued": 23, "Options": [ { "BidIntervalRate": { "Currency": "EUR", "Value": 1 }, "CashMovements": [ { "CashMovementType": "Credit", "Currency": "USD", "PriceType": "Actual", "SubscriptionPrice": 11.9623 } ], "CashRequired": false, "Deadline": { "Date": "2021-02-23T08:30:00Z" }, "FirstBidIncrementPrice": { "Currency": "EUR", "Type": "Actual", "Value": 20 }, "IsDefault": false, "IsGross": false, "IsTaxable": true, "LastBidIncrementPrice": { "Currency": "EUR", "Type": "Actual", "Value": 60 }, "MarketDeadline": { "Date": "2021-02-22T00:00:00Z" }, "MaxPrice": { "Currency": "EUR", "Type": "Actual", "Value": 60 }, "MinPrice": { "Currency": "EUR", "Type": "Actual", "Value": 5 }, "OptionId": "1", "OptionIndicators": [ { "Indicator": "BidRange", "Values": [ { "Code": "DIVI", "Description": "All values (including minimum and maximum prices) are divisible by the bid interval.", "Name": "Divisible" } ] } ], "OptionType": { "Code": "CASH", "Name": "Cash" }, "Payment": { "Date": "2021-02-12T00:00:00Z" }, "PayoutBreakdown": [ { "Amount": 5.9623, "Component": { "Code": "INTRT", "Description": "Interest", "Name": "Interest" }, "Currency": "USD" }, { "Amount": 6, "Component": { "Code": "LTCG", "Description": "Long term capital gain", "Name": "Long term capital gain" }, "Currency": "USD" } ] }, { "CashRequired": false, "Deadline": { "Date": "2021-02-23T08:30:00Z" }, "IsDefault": true, "IsGross": false, "IsTaxable": true, "NetRate": 0.08, "OptionId": "2", "OptionIndicators": [ { "Indicator": "CertificationBreakdown", "Values": [ { "Code": "DOMI", "Description": "The holder of the security has to certify his domicile.", "Name": "Country of Domicile" } ] } ], "OptionType": { "Code": "SECU", "Description": "Securities Option" }, "Payment": { "Date": "2021-02-12T00:00:00Z" }, "SecurityMovements": [ { "Currency": "AUD", "DisplayAndFormat": { "Description": "Telstra Corp. Ltd", "IsinCode": "AU000000TLS2", "Symbol": "TLS:xasx" }, "SecurityMovementType": "Credit", "Uic": 5081 } ] } ], "Record": { "Status": "Ongoing" }, "StrikePrice": { "Currency": "EUR", "Type": "Actual", "Value": 25 }, "TradingSuspended": { "Status": "Ongoing" }, "Uic": 13126, "UpdatedDateTime": "2021-02-11T15:30:15Z" } ] }