Endpoint Parameters
Request parameters
Name Type Origin Description AccountKey AccountKey Body Account on which elections are to be made EventId String Body Event on which election is to be made Options OptionInstruction [] Body Instruction per option -
Response Parameters
View Response CodesHTTP Code Description 202 Accepted Election instructions have been accepted. 204 No Content No Content 400 Bad Request Error Code Description AccountNotActive The account is not active. BlocksExistForOwnedContracts Block already exists for the security election made for. ChangeInElectionNotAllowed Invalid election instruction if election quantity is changed on the option where change is not allowed. ClientFxDslLimitation Order causes client to exceed FX DSL Limit. ClientFxNopLimitation Order causes client to exceed FX NOP limit. ClientNotActive The client is not active. ClientSingleCurrencyExposureLimitation Order causes client to exceed. ContactExposureLimitation Client is part of a contact. The aggregated exposure of the contact is not within the bounderies set for any of the clients which are a member of the contact. CurrencyConversionRateOutOfToleranceRange Election would result in breach of currency conversion tolerance range. DeadlineDatePassed Deadline date for option has passed. ElectionAmountExceedsEligibleHolding Invalid election instruction if total election amount is more than eligible holding, excluding over subscription. ElectionAmountGreaterThanMaxExercisableQuantity Invalid election instruction if elected amount in option is more than maximum exercisable quantity as specified in corresponding option. ElectionAmountLessThanMinExercisableQuantity Invalid election instruction if elected amount in option is more than minimum exercisable quantity as specified in corresponding option. ElectionAmountNotMultipleOfMinExercisableMultipleQuantity Invalid election instruction if elected amount in option is not in multiple as specified in corresponding option. EventNotElectable Event is not electable. ForcedExposureReductionViolation Only exposure reduction is allowed for the traded instrument. HasSystemOrders Pre check condition does not support client having any system orders. IllegalInstrumentTypeForAccount Illegal instrument type for account. InstrumentForcedExposureReductionViolation Only exposure reduction is allowed for the traded instrument. InsufficientCash Client does not have sufficient cash. InvalidElectionAmount Invalid election instruction if election amount is less than 0. InvalidEvent Invalid election instruction if elected event doesn't exist. InvalidEventForHolding Invalid election instruction if event is not applicable for client's holding account. InvalidEventStatusToElectOn Invalid election instruction if status of elected event is other than Approved. InvalidEventTypeForElection Invalid event type for election. InvalidOptionInElectionInstruction Invalid election instruction if election is made on the option which is not available in event. InvestmentValueLessThanMinimumLimit Order/trade value is less than the minimum allowed. MarginBorderLine Client is on borderline margin. OnlySidedReductionAllowed Only exposure reduction is allowed for the traded instrument. OptionNotAvailableForElection Invalid election instruction if election is made on Inactive or Cancelled option. OrderPlacementWouldExceedMargin Placing the order would exceed margin. OrdersAlreadyExistForOwnedContracts There are already orders for all owned contracts. OverSubscriptionNotAllowed Invalid election instruction if instruction contains over subscribed without fully electing holdings under exercise. OwnerRejection The owner of the client rejected the clients pre check. PostingModeViolation Either insufficient position to close or opening in wrong direction. RelatedPositionAlreadyClosed The position that this trade was intended to close is already closed. RelatedPositionLockedUntilSettlement Trade cannot close related position as related position is locked until settlement. SaxoExposureError Exposure would be exceeded. SaxoMarginRequirementError Client does not have enough margin. SaxoSymbolError System couldn't find the security for which election was made. SellExceedsSettledExposure Instructions cannot be placed for quantity more than held. SplitElectionsNotAllowedOnEvent Invalid election instruction if election are made on more than one option for events where it is specified that split elections can't be done. TotalElectionAmountShouldNotBeZero Total election amount, across options, should be greater than zero. TradeCannotCloseRelatedPosition Trade cannot close related position as they do not match. TradeFollowerCannotElect Trade follower is not allowed to elect. TradeLeaderCanElectOnlyOneOption Trade leader can elect only one option. TradingDisabled Trading is disabled for the client. Any and all prechecks will be rejected for the client. TradingProfileViolation Trade would violate conditions set by client trading profile. UnknownPosition Related position not found. WithdrawalOfElectionNotAllowed Invalid election instruction if election is withdrawn (changed election amount to 0) from the option where withdrawal of election is not allowed. WouldComeTooCloseToAccountValueProtectionLimit The equity value would get too close to the configured limit on the account. But still above. WouldExceedAccountValueProtectionLimit The equity value would go below the configured limit on the account. WouldExceedCreditLine Continuing the action would exceed credit line utilization. WouldExceedEquityConcentrationLimit Execution of an operation would exceed equity concentration limit. WouldExceedMargin Continuing the trade would seriously exceed margin. WouldExceedMarginCeiling Would exceed margin ceiling. WouldExceedMaxCreditLine Client tries to buy stocks, while he doesn’t have enough collateral available. WouldExceedMaxCreditLineLimit Client tries to buy stocks, and as a result of the trade, he will breach his loan limit. WouldExceedPrecheckMarginUtilizationLimit Would exceed the clients own risk aversion limit. WouldExceedSettlementLine Continuing the action would exceed settlement line utilization. WouldExceedTradingLine Continuing the action would exceed trading line utilization. 401 Unauthorized Indicates that the request was rejected because the 'Authorization' header was missing in the request or contained an invalid security token. 403 Forbidden Logged in client doesn't have necessary accesses to make election. 429 Too Many Requests The request was rejected due to rate limit being exceeded. 503 Service Unavailable Service Unavailable. There are no response parameters
Request Example
Request URL
PUT /ca/v2/elections
Request Body
{ "AccountKey": "2y0tX0m9ZH7MH8HK38qM9g==", "EventId": "9652429", "Options": [ { "Amount": 100, "OptionId": "1", "Remarks": "Electing on 100 holdings for option 1." } ] }