Product areas are groupings of asset types (products) areas as needed by Mifid classifications and client suitability evaluations.
Name Description Bonds Bonds. The Bonds product area includes the asset type Bond. CfdCommodities Cfds on Commodities. The Cfds on Commodities include the asset types CfdOnFutures and CfdOnIndex. CFDs CFDs. The CFDs product area includes the asset types CfdOnStock and CfdOnIndex. ContractOptions Contract Options. The Contract Options product area includes the asset types FuturesOption, StockOption and StockIndexOption. Futures Futures. The Futures product area includes the asset types FuturesStrategy and ContractFutures. FXForwards Forex Forwards. The FXForwards product area includes the asset type FxForwards. FXOptions Forex Options. The Forex Options product area includes the asset types FxVanillaOption, FxKnockInOption, FxKnockOutOption, FxBinaryOption, FxOneTouchOption and FxNoTouchOption. FXSpot Forex Spot. The Forex Spot product area includes the asset type FxSpot. MutualFunds Mutual Funds. The Mutual Funds product area include the asset type MutualFund. Stocks Stocks. The Stocks product area includes the asset type Stock.