
Represents TradeLeader contract.

  • Name Type Description
    AccountPerformance AccountPerformance Account performance numbers.
    AllowMultipleInvestment Boolean Indicates if follower is allowed to have multiple investments for this tradeLeader
    AllowPartialWithdrawal Boolean Indicates if partial withdrawal is allowed for this tradeleader.
    AllowRegularInvestment Boolean Tells if regular investment is allowed or not
    AutoTradingPartnerLeaderId String Unique Identifier for Partner Leader Combination
    Category String Category this strategy belongs in.
    Currency String Strategy currency.
    Description String Strategy description, translated if requested and translation exists. Defaults to description in English.
    EsgPriority EsgPriority ESG Priority to select e.g. Low, Medium, High
    EsgType EsgType ESG Type for investment e.g. Environmental,Science,Governance etc
    FollowerAmountRemaining Number Amount remaining before this strategy is fully invested.
    IsInvestmentShieldSupported Boolean Indicates if this strategy support investment shield.
    IsOpenForFollowers Boolean Expresses if follower amount has exceeded limit.
    LeaderPartnerOptions TradeLeaderPartnerOptions Trade leader partner options, see
    LogoUrl String URL path to leader logo.
    ManagementFee Number Strategy management fee.
    MaxInvestmentAmount Number Gives the maximum amount available for investment
    MaxInvestmentAmountDescription String Gives the maximum amount description for investment
    MinimumFundingAmount Number Minimum amount requried to invest in this strategy.
    PerformanceFee Number Strategy performance fee.
    Products String Translated products description for trade leader.
    Prospectus StringStringKeyValuePair [] Links to prospectus documents for this strategy.
    RiskLevel RiskLevel Strategy Risk level.
    StrategyLegalAssetTypes AssetType [] Returns the list of client legal asset types.
    StrategyLegalProductAreas ProductArea [] Returns the list of client product areas.
    StrategyName String Name of the strategy.
    SuitabilityLevel SuitabilityLevel Strategy required suitability level.
    TradeLeaderId String Trade leader identifier.
    TradeLeaderOptions TradeLeaderOptions Trade leader options, see