Endpoint Parameters
Request parameters
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Response Parameters
View Response CodesName Type Description AlertOnEverySaxoSelectAction Boolean indicates value (true) based on if client has not retaken the test before suitability test deadline else false. ClientLegalAssetTypes AssetType [] Returns the list of client legal asset types. ClientSuitableAssetTypes AssetType [] Returns the list of client suitable asset types. EsgPriority EsgPriority ESG Priority to select e.g. Low, Medium, High EsgType EsgType ESG Type for investment e.g. Environmental,Science,Governance etc ForcedIgnoreESGPreference Boolean A boolean to indicate ignore ESG score HasAcceptedTermsAndConditions Boolean A value indicating whether current follower has accepted Terms and Conditions. HasAccess Boolean A value indicating whether current follower can use service. IsDisabled Boolean A value indicating whether current follower is active or not. IsReady Boolean A value indicating whether current follower is Ready for the service. IsSuitabilityAlertRequired Boolean indicates value (true) based on last suitability test before suitability test deadline else false. IsSuitabilityExpired Boolean indicates value (true) based on if client has not retaken the test before suitability test deadline else false. IsUSExchangesRestricted Boolean A value indicating whether current follower has access to US Exchange. SuitabilityLevel SuitabilityLevel A value indicating current followers overall suitability level. -
Request Example
Request URL
GET /at/v3/tradeFollowers/me
Response Example
Response body
{ "ClientLegalAssetTypes": [ "FxSpot", "FxForwards", "FxVanillaOption", "ContractFutures", "FuturesOption", "Stock", "StockOption", "CfdOnStock", "Bond", "ManagedFund", "ManagedFund", "CfdOnIndex", "Cash", "CfdOnFutures", "FxKnockInOption", "FxKnockOutOption", "FxBinaryOption", "FxOneTouchOption", "FxNoTouchOption", "FxVanillaOption", "StockIndexOption", "FuturesStrategy" ], "ClientSuitableAssetTypes": [ "FxSpot", "FxForwards", "FxVanillaOption", "ContractFutures", "FuturesOption", "Stock", "StockOption", "CfdOnStock", "Bond", "ManagedFund", "ManagedFund", "CfdOnIndex", "CfdOnFutures", "FxKnockInOption", "FxKnockOutOption", "FxBinaryOption", "FxOneTouchOption", "FxNoTouchOption", "FxVanillaOption", "StockIndexOption", "FuturesStrategy" ], "HasAcceptedTermsAndConditions": false, "HasAccess": true, "IsDisabled": false, "IsReady": true, "IsUSExchangesRestricted": false, "SuitabilityLevel": "High" }